clear all; clc; disp("Scilab Code Ex 6.14 : ") //Given: b = 60; //mm h = 120; //mm sigma_max = 20; //N/mm^2 c = b; //Part (a): I = (1/12)*b*h^3; M1 = (sigma_max*I)/(c); //sigma_max = Mc/I Flexure Formula M1 = M1*10^-6; //in kN/m //Part (b): y0=60; y1=-60 M2 = integrate('-(20*y^2)','y',y0,y1); M2 = M2*10^-6; F = (0.5*sigma_max*b*b); c = 2*(60 -(0.5*b)); //distance between centroids of both the volumes. M = F*c/1000; //Display: printf("\n\nThe internal moment M calculated using : "); printf('\na)The flexure formula = %1.2f kNm',M1); printf('\nb)The resultant of the stress distribution using the basic principles = %1.2f kNm',M2); //-----------------------------------------------------------------END--------------------------------------------------------------------------