clear all; clc; disp("Scilab Code Ex 2.1 : ") //Given: e_z= 4; ab = 0.200; //m //Calculations: //Part a) z=integrate('1+(40*10^-3)*(sqrt(z))','z',0,ab); //Strain formula for short line segment = delta(sdash) =(1+e_z)delta(s) deltaB= z-ab; deltaB_mm= deltaB*1000; //Part b) e_avg = deltaB/ab;// Normal strain formula : e = (delta(sdash) -delta(s))/delta(s) //Display: printf("\n\nThe value of integration is =%10.5f m",z); printf("\nThe displacement at the end of the rod is = %0.2f mm",deltaB_mm); printf("\nThe average normal strain in the rod is =%10.4f mm/mm",e_avg); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------