clear all; clc; disp("Scilab Code Ex 10.8 : ") //Given: ep_a = 60;//(*10^-6) Normal Strain ep_b = 135; //*(10^-6) Normal Strain ep_c = 264; //*(10^-6) Normal Strain theta_a = 0; theta_b = 60*(%pi/180); theta_c = 120*(%pi/180); //Using matrices to solve the equations: a1 = (cos(theta_a))^2; b1 = (sin(theta_a))^2; c1 = cos(theta_a)*sin(theta_a); a2 = (cos(theta_b))^2; b2 = (sin(theta_b))^2; c2 = cos(theta_b)*sin(theta_b); a3 = (cos(theta_c))^2; b3 = (sin(theta_c))^2; c3 = cos(theta_c)*sin(theta_c); A = [a1 b1 c1 ; a2 b2 c2; a3 b3 c3 ] b = [ep_a ; ep_b ; ep_c]; strain = A\b; ep_x = strain(1); ep_y = strain(2); gamma_xy = strain(3); strain_avg = (ep_x + ep_y )/2; tou = gamma_xy/2; R = sqrt((-ep_x + strain_avg)^2 + tou^2); ep1 = strain_avg + R; ep2 = strain_avg - R; ep = [ep1 ep2]; tan_thetap =atan(-tou/(-ep_x + strain_avg)); thetap = tan_thetap/2; thetap2 = thetap*(180/%pi); //Display: printf('\n\nThe maximum in-plane principal strains are = %1.0f *10^-6 , %1.1f *10^-6',ep); printf('\nThe angle of orientation = %1.1f degrees',thetap2); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------END--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------