//Chapter-3,Example3_4_3,pg 3-11 wavelength=1*10^-6 //wavelength of light r=50*10^-6 //radius of core delta=0.055 //relative refractive index of fibre n1=1.48 //refractive index of core n2=n1*(1-delta) //as 'delta= (n1-n2)/n1' printf("\nThe refractive index of cladding n2 = %.4f \n",n2) NA=sqrt(n1^2-n2^2) //numerical aperture printf("\nThe numerical aperture N.A. = %.3f \n",NA) angle_0=asind(NA) // as N.A.=sin(angle_0) printf("\nThe acceptance angle is angle_0 = %.2f Degree\n",angle_0) d=2*r V=%pi*d*NA/wavelength //Normalized frequency of the fibre printf("\nThe normalised frequency of fibre is V = %.2f\n",V) N=V^2/2 //The number of modes printf("\nThe number of modes = %.f \n",N)