// Scilab code Ex8.17 : Pg:338(2008) clc;clear; function [bini]= decimal_binary(ni) // Function to convert decimal to binary bini = 0; i = 1; while (ni <> 0) rem = ni-fix(ni./2).*2; ni = int(ni/2); bini = bini + rem*i; i = i * 10; end endfunction function [deci]= binary_decimal(ni) // Function to convert binary to decimal deci = 0; i = 0; while (ni <> 0) rem = ni-fix(ni./10).*10; ni = int(ni/10); deci = deci + rem*2.^i; i = i + 1; end endfunction function binp = bin_division(op1, op2) binp = decimal_binary(binary_decimal(op1)/binary_decimal(op2)); endfunction dividend = 11001 ; // Initialize the first binary multiplicand divisor = 101; // Initialize the second binary multiplicand product = bin_division(dividend, divisor); printf("%5d divided by %3d gives %3d", dividend, divisor, product); // Result // 11001 divided by 101 gives 101