// Scilab Code EX3.38:: Page-3.52 (2009) clc;clear; function [mint, secnd]=degmin(theta) mint = (theta-floor(theta))*60; secnd = (mint-floor(mint))*60 endfunction lambda_D1 = 5890e-008; // Wavelength of sodium D1 line, cm lambda_D2 = 5896e-008; // Wavelength of sodium D2 line, cm n = 2; // Order of diffraction N = 6500; // Number of lines per cm on grating, lines/cm a_plus_b = 1/6500; // Grating element, cm // As a_plus_b*sin(theta1)=n*lambda1, solving for theta1 theta1 = asind(n*lambda_D1/a_plus_b); // As a_plus_b*sin(theta2)=n*lambda2, solving for theta1 theta2 = asind(n*lambda_D2/a_plus_b); d_theta = theta2-theta1; // Angular separation between the sodium D1 and D2 lines, degrees [mint, secnd] = degmin(d_theta); // Call deg_2_degmin function printf("\nThe angular separation between the sodium D1 and D2 lines = %d minutes %d seconds", mint, secnd); // Result // The angular separation between the sodium D1 and D2 lines = 4 minutes 10 seconds // Since theta1 and theta2 are rounded off in the textbook, therefore the answer is mismatching.