//CHAPTER 1 ILLUSRTATION 5 PAGE NO 19 //TITLE:Basic kinematics //Figure 1.20,1.21 clc clear pi=3.141 N=120// speed of crank in rpm OA=10// length of crank in cm BP=48// from figure 1.20 in cm BA=40// from figure 1.20 in cm //============== w=2*pi*N/60// angular velocity of the crank OA in rad/s Vao=w*OA// velocity of ao in cm/s ba=4.5// by measurement from 1.21 in cm Bp=BP*ba/BA op=6.8// by measurement in cm from figure 1.21 s=20// scale of velocity diagram 1cm=20cm/s Vp=op*s// linear velocity of P in m/s ob=5.1// by measurement in cm from figure 1.21 Vb=ob*s// linear velocity of slider B printf('Linear velocity of slider B= %.2f cm/s\n Linear velocity of point P= %.2f cm/s',Vb,Vp)