//Find (a) the voltage-gain ratio Av ¼ vL=vi, (b) the current-gain ratio Ai ¼ iL=ii, and (c) the output impedance Ro. //Example 7.10 page no 213 clear clc Rg=100 //kΩ ri=5 vgs=(Rg/(Rg+ri)) gm=0.0025 printf("\n The value of vgs=%0.3f vi",vgs) rds=25 Rd=2 //kΩ Rl=2 //kΩ Req=(rds*Rd*Rl*10^3)/(2*Rl*Rd+rds*(Rl+Rd)) printf("\n The value of Req=%0.3f Kohm",Req) Av=-2*gm*vgs*Req printf("\n The value of Av=%0.3f ",Av) Ai=((Av*(Rg+ri))/Rl) printf("\n The value of Ai=%0.3f ",Ai) R0=(Rd*rds)/(2*Rd+rds) printf("\n The value of R0=%0.3f kOhm",R0)