//find the TheĀ“venin impedance as the ratio of open-circuit voltage to short-circuit current //Solved Example 1.9 page no 20 clear clc printf("\n find the TheĀ“venin impedance as the ratio of open-circuit voltage to short-circuit current") V1=10//V V2=15//V R1=4//ohm R2=6//ohm I=(V1-V2)/(R1+R2) printf("\n The value of I is =%0.2f A",I) Vth=V1-I*R1 Iab1=V1/R1 Iab2=V2/R2 printf("\n Then by superpostion ") In=Iab1+Iab2 Zth=Vth/In printf("\n The value of Zth is =%0.2f ohm",Zth)