// ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM ENGINEERING ANALYSIS AND DESIGN // TURAN GONEN // CRC PRESS // SECOND EDITION // CHAPTER : 9 : SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS AND FAULT ANALYSIS // EXAMPLE : 9.14 : clear ; clc ; close ; // Clear the work space and console // GIVEN DATA VG_1 = 1*exp(%i*0*%pi/180) ; VG_2 = 1*exp(%i*0*%pi/180) ; // CALCULATIONS // For case (a) I_1 = 1*exp(%i*0*%pi/180) ; I_2 = 1*exp(%i*0*%pi/180) ; V_1 = 0.4522*exp(%i*90*%pi/180) ; V_2 = 0.4782*exp(%i*90*%pi/180) ; Y_11 = I_1/V_1 ; // When V_2 = 0 Y_21 = (-0.1087)*Y_11 ; // When V_2 = 0 Y_22 = I_2/V_2 ; // When V_1 = 0 Y_12 = Y_21 ; Y = [Y_11 Y_12 ; Y_21 Y_22] ; // Admittance matrix associated with positive-sequence n/w // For case (b) I_S1_12 = 2.0193*exp(%i*90*%pi/180) ; // Short-ckt F & F' to neutral & by superposition theorem I_S1_10 = 0.2884*exp(%i*90*%pi/180) ; // Short-ckt F & F' to neutral & by superposition theorem I_S2_12 = 0.4326*exp(%i*90*%pi/180) ; I_S2_10 = 1.4904*exp(%i*90*%pi/180) ; I_S1 = I_S1_12 + I_S1_10 ; I_S2 = I_S2_12 + I_S2_10 ; // DISPLAY RESULTS disp("EXAMPLE : 9.14 :SOLUTION :-") ; printf("\n (a) Admittance matrix associated with positive-sequence network , Y = \n") ; disp(Y) ; printf("\n (b) Source currents Two-port Thevenin equivalent positive sequence network are , \n") ; printf("\n I_S1 = %.4f<%.f pu ",abs(I_S1),atand( imag(I_S1),real(I_S1) )) ; printf("\n I_S2 = %.4f<%.f pu \n",abs(I_S2),atand( imag(I_S2),real(I_S2) )) ;