// ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM ENGINEERING ANALYSIS AND DESIGN // TURAN GONEN // CRC PRESS // SECOND EDITION // CHAPTER : 3 : FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS // EXAMPLE : 3.2 : clear ; clc ; close ; // Clear the work space and console // GIVEN DATA SIL = 325 ; // Surge impedance Loading in MW . From exa 3.1 kV = 345 ; // Transmission line voltage in kV . From exa 3.1 // For case (a) t_shunt1 = 0.5 ; // shunt capacitive compensation is 50% t_series1 = 0 ; // no series compensation // For case (b) t_shunt2 = 0.5 ; // shunt compensation using shunt reactors is 50% t_series2 = 0 ; // no series capacitive compensation // For case (c) t_shunt3 = 0 ; // no shunt compensation t_series3 = 0.5 ; // series capacitive compensation is 50% // For case (d) t_shunt4 = 0.2 ; // shunt capacitive compensation is 20% t_series4 = 0.5; // series capacitive compensation is 50% // CALCULATIONS // For case (a) SIL1 = SIL*(sqrt( (1-t_shunt1)/(1-t_series1) )) ; // Effective SIL in MW // For case (b) SIL2 = SIL*(sqrt( (1+t_shunt2)/(1-t_series2) )) ; // Effective SIL in MW // For case (c) SIL3 = SIL*(sqrt( (1-t_shunt3)/(1-t_series3) )) ; // Effective SIL in MW // For case (d) SIL4 = SIL*(sqrt( (1-t_shunt4)/(1-t_series4) )) ; // Effective SIL in MW // DISPLAY RESULTS disp("EXAMPLE : 3.2 : SOLUTION :-") ; printf("\n (a) Effective SIL , SIL_comp = %.f MW \n",SIL1) ; printf("\n (b) Effective SIL , SIL_comp = %.f MW \n",SIL2) ; printf("\n (c) Effective SIL , SIL_comp = %.f MW \n",SIL3) ; printf("\n (d) Effective SIL , SIL_comp = %.f MW \n",SIL4) ; printf("\n NOTE: Unit of SIL is MW and surge impedance is Ω ") ; printf("\n ERROR: Mistake in unit of SIL in textbook \n") ;