// To establish Operating Point & Stability Factor // Basic Electronics // By Debashis De // First Edition, 2010 // Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India // Example 5-4 in page 238 clear; clc; close; // Given Data beta_bjt=50; // Beta Gain of the BJT circuit Vbe=0.7; // Base-Emitter voltage of BJT in V Vcc=22.5; // DC voltage across Collector in V Rc=5600; // Resistance across Collector in ohm Vce=12; // Operating Collector-Emitter voltage of circuit in V Ic=1.5*10^-3; // Operating Collector current of circuit in mA sfactor=3; // Stability factor of the circuit // Calculations Re=((Vcc-Vce)/Ic)-Rc; constant=((beta_bjt+1)*(sfactor-1))/((beta_bjt+1)-sfactor); Rb=constant*Re; Ib=Ic/beta_bjt; voltage=(Ib*Rb)+Vbe+((Ib+Ic)*Re); R1=Rb*(Vcc/voltage); R2=(R1*voltage)/(Vcc-voltage); printf("(a)The value of Emitter Resistance of the BJT circuit is %0.2e ohm \n",Re); printf("(b)The value of Resistance-1 of the BJT circuit is %0.2e ohm \n",R1); printf("(c)The value of Resistance-2 of the BJT circuit is %0.2e ohm \n",R2); // Results // The value of Emitter Resistance of the BJT circuit is 1.4 K-ohm // The value of Resistance-1 of the BJT circuit is 22.8 K-ohm // The value of Resistance-2 of the BJT circuit is 3.4 K-ohm