clc clear //INPUT DATA V1=200;//volume in m^3/min t1=30;//dry bulb temperature in Degree c x1=0.8;//realtive humidity in percentage t3=14;//Surface temperature in Degree C x=0.1;//Coil bypass factor ps1=31.81;//Saturation temperature in mm Hg pv3=11.97;//Saturation temperature in mm Hg cp=1.005;//specific pressure R1=287.3;//gas constant p=760;//pressure in mm of Hg //CALCULATIONS t2=x*(t1-t3)+t3;//Temperature of air leaving coil in Degree C pv1=x1*ps1;//Saturation temperature in mm Hg w1=0.622*(pv1/(p-pv1));//Specific humidity in kg w.v./kg d.a w3=0.622*(pv3/(p-pv3));//Specific humidity in kg w.v./kg d.a h1=cp*t1+w1*(2500+1.88*t1);//Enthalpy of air per kg of dry air in kJ/kg d.a. h3=cp*t3+w3*(2500+1.88*t3);//Enthalpy of air per kg of dry air in kJ/kg d.a. h2=(x*(h1-h3))+h3;//Enthalpy of air per kg of dry air in kJ/kg d.a. w2=(x*(w1-w3))+w3;//Specific humidity in kg w.v./kg d.a v1=R1*(t1+273)/((p-pv1)*133.5);//volume in m^3/kg d.a ma=V1/v1;//mass of dry air through the coil in kg d.a./min Rc=ma*(h1-h2)/210;//Capacity of the coil in TR mw=ma*(w1-w2);//Amount of water vapour removed per minute in kg w.v./kg d.a. h4=cp*t1+w2*(2500+1.88*t1);//Enthalpy of air per kg of dry air in kJ/kg d.a. SHF=(h4-h2)/(h1-h2);//Sensible heat factor //OUTPUT printf('(i)The temperature of air leaving the cooling coil is %3.1f Degree C \n (b)Capacity of the cooling coil is %3.2f TR \n (c)Amount of water removed per minute is %3.3f kg w.v./kg d.a. \n (d)Sensible heat factor is %3.4f',t2,Rc,mw,SHF)