clc clear //INPUT DATA cpic=1.94;//specific pressure inkJ/kgK cpv2=2.805;//specific pressure in kJ/kgK t21=303;//condenser temperature in K t1=258;//evaporator temperature in K t31=293;//subcooled temperature in K p1=2.36;//pressure in MPa p2=11.67;//pressure in MPa hf1=112.3;//enthalpy in kJ/kg hfg1=1313.7;//enthalpy in kJ/kg hg1=1426;//enthalpy in kJ/kg hf2=323.1;//enthalpy in kJ/kg hfg2=1145.9;//enthalpy in kJ/kg hg2=1469;//enthalpy in kJ/kg sf1=0.457;//entropy in kJ/kgK sf2=1.204;//entropy in kJ/kgK sg1=5.549;//entropy in kJ/kgK sg2=4.984;//entropy in kJ/kgK t2=369.7;//from t-s diagram temperature in K nac=0.8;//adiabatic efficiency in percentage vsa=2.96;//volume in kg/min N=1200;//speed in rpm //CALCULATIONS h2=hg2+cpv2*(t2-t21);//enthalpy in kJ/kg Rc=10*1000*(4.1868*30+335+1.94*5)/(24*60);//Refrigeration capacity in kJ/min Re=hg1-hf2;//Refrigeration effect in kJ/kg m=Rc/Re;//mass flow rate of refrigerant in kg/min h2a=((h2-hg1)/nac)+hg1;//enthalpy in kJ/kg t2a=((t2-t1)/nac)+t1;//Temperature in k d=(vsa*0.509*4/(3.14*1.2*N))^(1/3);//piston displacement of compressor in m l=1.2*d;//length of piston displacement in m w=(h2a-hg1)/0.95;//workdone in kJ/kg wac=m*w/60;//Power of the compressor motor in kW copa=(Re/wac)*(m/60);//COP of air //OUTPUT printf('(a)Refrigeration capacity is %3.1f kJ/min \n (b)Mass flow rate of refrigerant is %3.2f kg/min \n (c)The discharge temperature is %3.2f K \n (d)Piston displacement of the compressor is d %3.4f m \n l is %3.4f m \n(e)Power of the compressor motor is %3.2f kW \n (f)COPa is %3.3f',Rc,m,t2a,d,l,wac,copa)