clc clear //INPUT DATA Tmin=-30;//minimuum temperature in Degree C Tmax=35;//maximum temperature in Degree C S1=0.6839;//entropy in kJ/kgK from properties of R12 TABLES S2=0.6893;//entropy in kJ/kgK from properties of R12 TABLES S3=0.2559;//entropy in kJ/kgK from properties of R12 TABLES S4=0.2559;//entropy in kJ/kgK from properties of R12 TABLES S5=0.0371;//entropy in kJ/kgK from properties of R12 TABLES S6=0.7171;//entropy in kJ/kgK from properties of R12 TABLES h2=201.5;//enthalpy in kJ/kg from properties of R12 TABLES h3=69.5;//enthalpy in kJ/kg from properties of R12 TABLES h5=8.9;//enthalpy in kJ/kg from properties of R12 TABLES h6=174.2;//enthalpy in kJ/kg from properties of R12 TABLES Re=1*210;//Ref.capacity //CALCULATIONS x1=(S1-S5)/(S6-S5);//ratio fo entropies x2=(S4-S5)/(S6-S5);//ratio fo entropies h1=h5+x1*(h6-h5);//enthalpy at point 1 h4=h5+x2*(h6-h5);//enthalpy at point 4 Wc=h2-h1;//work of compression We=h3-h4;//work of expansion Qa=h1-h4;//Heat absorbed in kJ/kg Qr=h2-h3;//Heat rejected in kJ/kg Wn=Wc-We;//net workdone in kJ/kg COP=(Qa/Wn);//COP COPc=(Tmin+273)/(Tmax-Tmin);//COP Carnot COPa=0.75*COPc;//Actual COP P=Re/(COPa*60);//Power consumption per ton Hr=(210/60)+P;//Heat rejected per ton //OUTPUT printf('(a)work of compression is %3.2f kJ/kg \n work of expansion %3.1f kJ/kg \n Heat rejected is %3.i kJ/kg \n COP is %3.2f \n (b)Power consumption per ton is %3.2f kW \n heat rejected per ton is %3.2f kW',Wc,We,Qr,COP,P,Hr)