clc clear //INPUT DATA cpv=2.805;//specific pressure in kJ/kg K cp1=4.606;//specific pressure in kJ/kg K p1=10.01;//pressure in MPa p2=1.2;//pressure in MPa hf1=298.9;//enthalpy in kJ/kg hf2=44.7;//enthalpy in kJ/kg hg1=1466;//enthalpy in kJ/kg hg2=1406;//enthalpy in kJ/kg sf1=1.124;//entropy in kJ/kgK sf2=0.188;//entropy in kJ/kgK sg1=5.039;//entropy in kJ/kgK sg2=5.785;//entropy in kJ/kgK vf1=0.128;//volume in m^3/kg vf2=0.963;//volume in m^3/kg t1=253;//temperature in K t11=243.42;//temperature in K t21=298;//temperature in K t2=404.78;//temperature in K t3=293;//temperature in K //CALCULATIONS s1=sg2+cpv*log(t1/t11);//entropy in kJ/kg K h1=hg2+cpv*(t1-t11);//enthalpy in kJ/kg h2=hg1+cpv*(t2-t21);//enthalpy in kJ/kg h3=hf1+cp1*(t21-t3);//enthalpy in kJ/kg cop=((h1-h3)/(h2-h1));//COP of the system P=1.5*210/(cop*60);//Power of the motor in kW //OUTPUT printf('(a)COP is %3.2f \n (b)Power of the motor is %3.3f kW',cop,P)