clc clear //INPUT DATA //CH4+2O2=CO2+2H2O ;//STOICHIOMETRIC REACTION //CASE I //H2O in the products is liquid //CASE II //H2O in the products is gas Hr=-74.87;//enthalpy of reactants Hp1=-964.2;//enthalpy of products Hp2=-876.18;//enthalpy of products R=8.314*10^-3;//gas constant t=298;//initial temperature in K //CLCULATIONS dH1=Hp1-Hr;//Enthalpy increase in MJ/kmol dH2=Hp2-Hr dU1=dH2-((1-3)*R*t);//internal energy in MJ/kmol dU=Hp2;//internal energy in MJ/kmol //OUTPUT printf('Enthalpy increase is %3.2f MJ/kmol of CH4 \n internal energy increase is %3.2f MJ/kmol of CH4 \n',dH2,dU1) printf('H2O in the products and internal energy increase are same \n') printf('np=nr')