clc clear //INPUT DATA pmi=3;//Mean effective pressure in bar L=0.27;//Stroke in m N=450;//spedd in rpm nc=1;//nuber of cylinders n=1;//for single cylinder mf=5.4;//mass flow rate in kg/h cv=42000;//calorific value d=0.22;//bore in m T=355;//Temperature to exhaust gases in Degree C mw=440;//mass of water in kg/h cpw=4.18;//specific pressure of water cpe=1.02;//specific pressure of air dTc=36;//Rise in temperature in Degree C me=172.8;//total mass flow in kg/s Ta=20;//room temperature in Degree C Tb=460;//Brake load in N //CALCULATIONS IP=(pmi*100*L*(3.14*(d^2)/4)*N*nc)/(60*n);//Indicated power in kW nit=(IP*3600/(mf*cv))*100;//Indicated thermal efficiency in percentage Qs=mf*cv/3600;//Heat supplied in kJ/s BP=(2*3.14*(N/60)*(Tb/1000)*(1.5/2));//Brake power in kW a11=(BP/Qs)*100;//% of heat equivalent to BP Qw=(mw*cpw*(dTc))/3600;//Heat loss to cooling water in kJ/s b11=(Qw/Qs)*100;//% of heat lost to cooling water Qe=(me*cpe*(T-Ta))/3600;//Heat loss to exhaust gases in kW c11=(Qe/Qs)*100;//% of heat lost to exhaust gases Qu=(Qs-(BP+Qw+Qe));//Enthalpy of unaccount in kJ/s d1=(Qu/Qs)*100;//unaccounted heat in percentage //OUTPUT printf('(i)Indicated thermal efficiency is %3.2f percentage \n (ii) \n (I)Heat supplied %3.i kJ/s \n (II)Heat utilised in the system is %3.2f',IP,Qs,Qe)