//Chapter-6, Illustration 8, Page 314 //Title: Refrigeration cycles //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA Tc=20;//Temperature of condenser in oC Te=-25;//Temperature of evaporator in oC m=15;//Mass of ice per day in tons Ts=5;//Subcooled temperature in oC Tsh=10;//Superheated temperature in oC n=6;//No. of cylinders N=950;//Speed of compressor in rpm x=1;//Stroke to bore ratio h1=402;//Enthalpy at point 1 from R-22 tables in kJ/kg h2=442;//Enthalpy at point 2 from R-22 tables in kJ/kg h3=216;//Enthalpy at point 3 from R-22 tables in kJ/kg h4=216;//Enthalpy at point 4 from R-22 tables in kJ/kg v1=2.258;//Specific volume at point 1 in (m^3)/min //CALCULATIONS Re=h1-h4;//Refrigerating effect in kJ/kg mr=(m*14000)/(Re*60);//Mass flow of refrigerant in kg/min Pth=(mr*(h2-h1))/60;//Theoretical power in kW COP=(h1-h4)/(h2-h1);//Co-efficient of performance Dth=v1/n;//Theoretical displacement per cylinder D=(((Dth*4)/(3.147*N))^(1/3))*1000;//Theoretical bore of compressor in mm L=D;//Theoretical stroke of compressor in mm //OUTPUT mprintf('Refrigerating effect is %3.0f kJ/kg \n Mass flow of refrigerant per minute is %3.2f kg/min \n Theoretical input power is %3.2f kW \n COP is %3.2f \n Theoretical bore of compressor is %3.2f mm \n Theoretical stroke of compressor is %3.2f mm',Re,mr,Pth,COP,D,L) //==============================END OF PROGRAM=================================