//Chapter-6, Illustration 4, Page 310 //Title: Refrigeration cycles //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA P1=1.2;//Pressure at point 1 in bar P2=7;//Pressure at point 2 in bar m=0.05;//mass flow rate of refrigerant in kg/s h1=340.1;//Enthalpy at point 1 from refrigerant-12 tables in kJ/kg s1=1.57135;//Entropy at point 1 from refrigerant-12 tables in kJ/kg-K s2=1.57135;//Entropy at point 2 from refrigerant-12 tables in kJ/kg-K h2=372;//Enthalpy at point 2 from refrigerant-12 tables in kJ/kg h3=226.575;//Enthalpy at point 3 from refrigerant-12 tables in kJ/kg h4=226.575;//Enthalpy at point 4 from refrigerant-12 tables in kJ/kg //CALCULATIONS Q2=m*(h1-h4);//Rate of heat removed from the refrigerated space in kW W=m*(h2-h1);//Power input to the compressor in kW Q1=m*(h2-h3);//Rate of heat rejection to the environment in kW COP=Q2/W;//Co-efficient of performance //OUTPUT mprintf('Rate of heat removed from the refrigerated space is %3.2f kW \n Power input to the compressor is %3.3f kW \n Rate of heat rejection to the environment is %3.2f kW \n Co-efficient of performance is %3.2f',Q2,W,Q1,COP) //==============================END OF PROGRAM=================================