//Chapter-6, Illustration 12, Page 318 //Title: Refrigeration cycles //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA P1=1;//Pressure at point 1 in bar T1=268;//Temperature at point 1 in K P2=5;//Pressure at point 2 in bar T3=288;//Temperature at point 3 in K n=1.3;//Adiabatic gas constant Cp=1.005;//Specific heat at constant pressure in kJ/kg-K //CALCULATIONS x=(n-1)/n;//Ratio T2=((P2/P1)^x)*T1;//Temperature at point 2 in K T4=((P1/P2)^x)*T3;//Temperature at point 4 in K W=Cp*(T3-T4);//Work developed per kg of air in kJ/kg Re=Cp*(T1-T4);//Refrigerating effect per kg of air in kJ/kg Wnet=Cp*((T2-T1)-(T3-T4));//Net work output in kJ/kg COP=Re/Wnet;//Co-efficient of performance //OUTPUT mprintf('Work developed per kg of air is %3.3f kJ/kg \n Refrigerating effect per kg of air is %3.3f kJ/kg \n COP of the cycle is %3.2f',W,Re,COP) //==============================END OF PROGRAM=================================