//Chapter-4, Illustration 8, Page 171 //Title: Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA P1=3.5;//Dry saturated steam in bar P2=1.1;//Exit pressure in bar At=4.4;//Throat area in cm^2 h1=2731.6;//Enthalpy at P1 in kJ/kg v1=0.52397;//Specific volume at P1 in m^3/kg n=1.135;//Adiabatic gas constant ht=2640;//Enthalpy at Pt in kJ/kg vt=0.85;//Specific volume at throat in m^3/kg h2=2520;//Enthalpy at P2 in kJ/kg v2=1.45;//Specific volume at P2 in m^3/kg //CALCULATIONS x=n/(n-1);//Ratio Pt=((2/(n+1))^x)*P1;//Throat pressure in bar Ct=sqrt(2000*(h1-ht));//Throat velocity in m/s mmax=((At*Ct*(10^-4))/vt)*60;//Maximum discharge in kg/min C2=sqrt(2000*(h1-h2));//Exit velocity in m/s A2=((mmax*v2)/(C2*60))*(10^6);//Exit area in mm^2 //OUTPUT mprintf('Maximum discharge is %3.3f kg/min \n Exit area is %3.2f mm^2',mmax,A2) //==============================END OF PROGRAM=================================