//Chapter-4, Illustration 12, Page 174 //Title: Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA P1=9;//Pressure at point 1 in bar P2=1;//Pressure at point 2 in bar Dt=0.0025;//Throat diameter in m nN=0.9;//Nozzle efficiency n=1.135;//Adiabatic gas consstant h1=2770;//Enthalpy at point 1 in kJ/kg ht=2670;//Throat enthlapy in kJ/kg h3=2400;//Enthlapy at point 2 in kJ/kg x2=0.96;//Dryness fraction 2 vg2=0.361;//Specific volume in m^3/kg //CALCULATIONS x=n/(n-1);//Ratio Pt=((2/(n+1))^x)*P1;//Throat pressure in bar Ct=sqrt(2000*(h1-ht)*nN);//Throat velocity in m/s At=(3.147*2*(Dt^2))/4;//Throat area in m^2 vt=x2*vg2;//Specific volume at throat in m^3/kg m=(At*Ct)/vt;//Mass flow rate of steam in kg/s hact=nN*(h1-h3);//Actual enthalpy drop in kJ/kg C2=sqrt(2000*hact);//Exit velocity of steam in m/s //OUTPUT mprintf('Quantity of steam used per second is %3.3f kg/s \n Exit velocity of steam is %3.2f m/s',m,C2) //==============================END OF PROGRAM=================================