//Chapter-3, Illustration 3, Page 141 //Title: Internal Combustion Engines //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA n=6;//No. of cylinders d=0.61;//Diameter in m L=1.25;//Stroke in m N=2;//No.of revolutions per second m=340;//mass of fuel oil in kg CV=44200;//Calorific value in kJ/kg T=108;//Torque in kN-m imep=775;//Indicated mean efective pressure in kN/(m^2) //CALCULATIONS IP=(imep*L*3.1415*(d^2)*N)/(8);//Indicated power in kW TotalIP=(n*IP);//Total indicated power in kW BP=(2*3.1415*N*T);//Brake power in kW PI=(m*CV)/3600;//Power input in kW nB=(BP/PI)*100;//Brake thermal efficiency bmep=(BP*8)/(n*L*3.1415*(d^2)*2);//Brake mean effective pressure in kN/(m^2) nM=(BP/TotalIP)*100;//Mechanical efficiency bsfc=m/BP;//Brake specific fuel consumption in kg/kWh //OUTPUT mprintf('Total Indicated Power is %3.1f kW \n Brake Power is %3.1f kW \n Brake thermal efficiency is %3.1f percent \n Brake mean effective pressure is %3.1f kN/(m^2) \n Mechanical efficiency is %3.1f percent \n Brake specific fuel consumption is %3.3f kg/kW.h',TotalIP,BP,nB,bmep,nM,bsfc) //==============================END OF PROGRAM=================================