//Chapter-3, Illustration 1, Page 139 //Title: Internal Combustion Engines //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA d=200;//diameter of cylinder in mm L=300;//stroke of cylinder in mm Vc=1.73;//Clearance volume in litres imep=650;//indicated mean effective pressure in kN/(m^2) g=6.2;//gas consumption in (m^3)/h CV=38.5;//Calorific value in MJ/(m^3) y=1.4;//Ratio of specific heats N=150;//No. of firing cycles per minute //CALCULATIONS Vs=((3.1415/4)*(d^2)*L)*(10^-6);//Stroke volume in litres Vt=Vs+Vc;//Total volume in litres rv=(Vt/Vc);//Compression ratio n=(1-(1/rv^(y-1)))*100;//Air standard efficiency IP=imep*(Vs*10^-3)*(N/60);//Indicated power in kW F=(g*CV*1000)/3600;//Fuel energy input in kW nT=(IP/F)*100;//Indicated thermal efficiency //OUTPUT mprintf('Air Standard Efficiency is %3.1f percent \n Indicated Power is %3.1f kW \n Indicated thermal efficiency is %3.0f percent',n,IP,nT) //==============================END OF PROGRAM=================================