//Chapter-2, Illustration 9, Page 65 //Title: Gas Power Cycles //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA e=7.5;//Expansion ratio c=15;//Compression ratio P1=98;//Pressure at point 1 in kN/(m^2) P4=258;//Pressure at point 4 in kN/(m^2) T1=317;//Temperature at point 1 in K y=1.4;//Ratio of specific heats //CALCULATIONS T4=T1*(P4/P1);//Temperature at point 4 in K T3=T4*(e^(y-1));//Temperature at point 3 in K t3=T3-273;//Temperature at point 3 in oC T2=T1*(c^(y-1));//Temperature at point 2 in K n=(1-((T4-T1)/(y*(T3-T2))))*100;//Thermal efficiency //OUTPUT mprintf('Maximum temperature attained during the cycle is %3.1f oC \n Thermal efficiency of the cycle is %3.1f percent',t3,n) //==============================END OF PROGRAM=================================