//Chapter-2, Illustration 8, Page 64 //Title: Gas Power Cycles //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA d=0.15;//Bore in m L=0.25;//Stroke in m Vc=400*(10^-6);//Clearance volume in m^3 V2=Vc;//Clearance volume in m^3 c1=0.05;//Cut-off percentage 1 c2=0.08;//Cut-off percentage 2 y=1.4;//Ratio of specific heats //CALCULATIONS Vs=(3.147/4)*(d^2)*L;//Stroke volume in m^3 V31=V2+(c1*Vs);//Volume at the point of cut-off in m^3 rc1=V31/V2;//Cut-off ratio 1 rv=(Vc+Vs)/Vc;//Compression ratio nth1=(1-(((rc1^y)-1)/((rv^(y-1))*y*(rc1-1))))*100;//Air standard efficiency 1 V32=V2+(c2*Vs);//Volume at the point of cut-off in m^3 rc2=V32/V2;//Cut-off ratio 2 nth2=(1-(((rc2^y)-1)/((rv^(y-1))*y*(rc2-1))))*100;//Air standard efficiency 2 pl=nth1-nth2;//Percentage loss in efficiency //OUTPUT mprintf('Air standard efficiency at 5 percent cut-off is %3.2f percent \n Air standard efficiency at 8 percent cut-off is %3.2f percent \n Percentage loss in efficiency is %3.2f percent',nth1,nth2,pl) //==============================END OF PROGRAM=================================