//Chapter-1, Illustration 12, Page 24 //Title: Fuels and Combustion //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA H2=0.14;//Percentage composition of H2 by volume CO2=0.05;//Percentage composition of CO2 by volume CO=0.22;//Percentage composition of CO by volume CH4=0.02;//Percentage composition of CH4 by volume O2=0.02;//Percentage composition of O2 by volume N2=0.55;//Percentage composition of N2 by volume e=0.4;//Excess air supplied //CALCULATIONS v=(2.38*(H2+CO))+(9.52*CH4)-(4.76*O2);//Volume of air required for complete combustion in (m^3) ve=v*e;//Volume of excess air supplied in m^3 vtN2=v-(v*0.21);//Volume of N2 in theoretical air in m^3 veN2=ve-(ve*0.21);//Volume of N2 in excess air in m^3 vt=vtN2+veN2;//Total volume of N2 in air supplied in m^3 vCO2=CO+CH4+CO2;//CO2 formed per m^3 of fuel gas vN2=vt+N2;//N2 formed per m^3 of fuel gas veO2=ve*0.21;//Volume of excess O2 per m^3 of fuel gas vT=vCO2+vN2+veO2;//Total volume of dry combustion products pCO2=(vCO2*100)/vT;//Percentage volume of CO2 pN2=(vN2*100)/vT;//Percentage volume of N2 pO2=(veO2*100)/vT;//Percentage volume of O2 //OUTPUT mprintf('Volume of air required for complete combustion is %3.3f (m^3) \n Volume of CO2 per m^3 of gas fuel is %3.2f m^3/m^3 of gas fuel \n Volume of N2 per m^3 of gas fuel is %3.3f m^3/m^3 of gas fuel \n Volume of excess O2 per m^3 of gas fuel is %3.2f m^3/m^3 of gas fuel \n Total volume of dry combustion products is %3.3f m^3/m^3 of gas fuel \n Percentage volume of CO2 is %3.1f percent \n Percentage volume of N2 is %3.2f percent \n Percentage volume of O2 is %3.2f percent',v,vCO2,vN2,veO2,vT,pCO2,pN2,pO2) //==============================END OF PROGRAM=================================