//Example3.5 // To determine emitter resistance of the difference amplifier clc; clear; close; Vcc = 10 ; // volt Vee = -10 ; //volt Iq = 0.8 ; //mA Ie = 0.8 ; //mA CMRRdb = 90 ; //dB Vt = 0.026 ; // Transistor parameter beta = 100 ; // CMRR = abs(Ad/Acm); // the CMRR of the difference amplifier is defined as //CMRR = ((1/2)*(1+((1+beta)*Ie*Re)/beta*Vt)) // CMRRdb = 20*log10(CMRR) CMRR = 10^(CMRRdb/20); disp(' The CMRR of difference amplifier is = ' +string(CMRR)+ ' ' ); // The resistance RE is calculated as RE = (((2*CMRR)-1)/((1+beta)*Ie))*(beta*Vt) disp(' The value of resistance RE is = ' +string(RE)+ ' K ohm ' );