//Exa 10.2 clc; clear; close; //given data format('v',13); T=25;// in degree C T=T+273;// in K P=1; V1=12;//Molecular volume of H2 in cm^3/gm mole V2=30;//Molecular volume of Air in cm^3/gm mole M1=2;// Molecular weight of H2 M2=29;// Molecular weight of Air //The diffusion coefficient for gases in terms of molecular volumes may be express as D_AB= .0043*T^(3/2)/(P*(V1^(1/3)+V2^(1/3)))*(1/M1+1/M2)^(1/2); disp(D_AB,"The diffusion coefficient for gases in terms of molecular volumes in cm^2/sec");