//example 11 //turbine inlet pressure clear clc hi=1757.3 //initial specific heat of enthalpy of air in kJ/kg si=8.6905 //initial specifc entropy of airin kJ/kg-K he=855.3 //final specific heat of enthalpy of air in kJ/kg w=hi-he //actual work done by turbine in kJ/kg n=0.85 //efficiency of turbine ws=w/n //ideal work done by turbine in kJ/kg hes=hi-ws //from first law of isentropic process Tes=683.7 //final temperature in kelvins from air tables ses=7.7148 //in kJ/kg-K R=0.287 //gas constant in kJ/kg-K Pi=100/%e^((si-ses)/-R) //turbine inlet pressure in kPa printf("\n hence,turbine inlet pressure is Pi=%.0f kPa.\n",Pi)