//ques6 //determining mass flow rate through control volume clear clc k=1.4;//constant R=0.287;//gas constant To=360;//stagnation Temperature in K T=To*0.8333;//Temperature of air in K, 0.8333 stagnation ratio from table v=sqrt(k*R*T*1000);//velocity in m/s P=528;//stagnation pressure in kPa d=P/(R*T);//stagnation density in kg/m^3 A=500*10^-6;//area in m^2 ms=d*A*v;//mass flow rate in kg/s printf('Mass flow rate at the throat section = %.4f kg/s \n',ms); //e-exit state Te=To*0.9381;//exit temperature in K, ratio from table ce=sqrt(k*R*Te*1000);//exit velocity of sound in m/s Me=0.573;//Mach number ve=Me*ce; Pe=800;//exit pressure in kPa de=Pe/R/Te; mse=de*A*ve; printf(' Mass flow rate at the exit section = %.4f kg/s \n',mse);