//ques6 //air standard refrigeration cycle clear clc //1-compressor inlet //2-compressor exit P1=100;//kPa P2=500;//kPa k=1.4; rp=P2/P1; cop=(rp^(1-1/k)-1)^-1; printf('Coefficient of performance = %.3f \n',cop); //3-Expander inlet //4-Expander exit P3=P2; P4=P1; T3=288.23;//K, given and fixed T4=T3/(P3/P4)^(1-1/k); T1=253.2;//K, given Cp=1.004;//Specific heat at cons pressure in kJ/kg ql=Cp*(T1-T4);//heat released in kJ/kg P=1//power required in kW ms=P/ql;//kg/s printf(' Rate at which the air enter the compressor = %.3f kg/s ',ms);