//example6.19 clc disp("Using equation (2) from section 6.7, we can determine I_BQ.") i=(18-0.7)/(1.2*10^3) format(10) disp(i,"I_BQ(in A)=") i=40*14.4167 format(7) disp(i,"Now (I_CQ)[in mA]=(beta*I_BQ)=") v=18-(576.67*16*10^-3) disp(v,"And (V_CEQ)[in V]=(V_CC)-(I_CQ*R_L)=") p=18*576.67 disp(p,"So P_dc(in W)=(V_CC)*(I_CQ)=") disp("This is the input power.") disp("Now input a.c. voltage causes a base current of 5mA rms") disp("Therefore (I_b)_rms=5 mA") i=40*5 disp(i,"Therefore i_c_rms(in mA)=40*5=") disp("This is nothing but the output collector current,rms value I_rms") disp("Therefore I_rms = 200mA") disp("Using equation (13) from section 6.8, we can write,") p=16*(200*10^-3)^2 disp(p,"P_ac(in W)=(I_rms^2)^R_L=") disp("This is the power delivered to the load.") disp("Hence the efficiency of the amplifier is,") n=(64000*10^-3)/10.38 disp(n,"%eta=(P_ac*100)/P_dc= ")