//Example 1.21 clc disp("Step 1: Identify topology") disp("Making output voltage zero(Vo = 0); feedback does not become zero and hence it is not voltage sampling. By opening the output loop feedback becomes zero and hence it is a current sampling. As I_i = I_s-I_f, the feedback current appears in shunt with the input signl and hence the topology is current shunt feedback") disp("") disp("Step 2 and Step 3: Find input and output circuit") disp("To find input circuit, set Vo = 0. This gives series combination of 20K and 1K across the input of the first transistor. To find output circuit, set V_i= 0. This gives parallel combination of 20K and 1K at emitter of the second transistor.The resultant circuit is shown in fig 1.61") disp("") disp("Step 4: Find open circuit current gain") disp("A_I = Io/I_s = -I_c2/I_s = -I_c2/I_b2 * I_b2/I_c1 * I_c1/I_b1 * I_b1/I_s") disp("-I_c2/I_b2 = -h_fe = -100") disp("I_b2/I_c1 = -R_c1 / R_i2+R_c1") ri2=2+(101*(20/21)) format(6) disp(ri2,"where R_i2(in k-ohm) = h_ie + (1+h_fe)R_e =") ibc=(-12)/(98.19+12) format(6) disp(ibc,"Therefore, I_b2/I_c1 =") disp("I_c1/I_b1 = h_fe = 100") ibs=(21/22)/(2+(21/22)) disp(ibs,"I_b1/I_s =") ai=100*0.109*0.323*100 format(4) disp(ai,"Therefore, A_I =") disp("") disp("Step 5: Calculate beta") b=4/(24) format(7) disp(b,"beta = I_f/Io = R_e2/R_e2+R'' =") disp("") d=1+(0.1667*352) format(6) disp(d,"Therefore, D = 1 + beta*A_I =") aif=352/59.67 format(5) disp(aif,"A_if = A_I/D =") ri=((1*21*2)/((21*2)+(1*2)+(21*1)))*10^3 format(4) disp(ri,"R_i(in ohm) =") rif=646/59.67 format(6) disp(rif,"R_if(in ohm) = R_i/D =") disp("Ro = infinity") disp("Therefore, R_of = infinity because h_oe = 0") disp("R''_o = Ro || R_c2 = 4 k-ohm") disp("R''_of = R''_o = 4 k-ohm") avf=(5.9*4) disp(avf,"A_vf = A_If*R_L/R_s =")