//Exa2.5 clc; clear; close; distance=2500;//in Km TransCost=1;//in Rs/Kg/100Km //given data for steel window frame SteelFramePrice=1000;//in Rs/Unit SteelFrameWeight=75;//in Kg/Unit TotalCost1=SteelFramePrice+TransCost*SteelFrameWeight*distance/100;//in Rs disp(TotalCost1,"Total cost of steel window frame per unit in Rs : "); //given data for Aluminium window frame AlumilniumFramePrice=1500;//in Rs/Unit AlumilniumFrameWeight=28;//in Kg/Unit TotalCost2=AlumilniumFramePrice+TransCost*AlumilniumFrameWeight*distance/100;//in Rs disp(TotalCost2,"Total cost of Alumilnium window frame per unit in Rs : "); disp(TotalCost1-TotalCost2,"DECISION : The total cost per unit of the aluminium window frame is less than that of steel window frame. Hence, Alumilnium window frame is recommended. The Economic advantage per unit of the Alumilnium window frame over steel window frame in Rs : ")