//Exa 16.4 clc; clear; close; //given data : disp("Given the following LP model :") disp("minimize Z = 2*X1 + 3*X2"); disp("subject to"); disp("X1+X2 >= 6"); disp("7*X1+X2 >= 14"); disp("X1,X2 >= 0"); disp("The introduction of non-negative constraints X1>=0 and X2>=0 will eliminate the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quadrants of XY plane."); disp("Compute the cordinates to plot equations relting to the constraints on the XY plane as shown below : "); disp("X1+X2 = 6"); disp("When X1=0 : X2=6"); disp("When X2=0 : X1=6"); X1=0:6; X2=(6-X1); plot2d(X1,X2); disp("Consider the 2nd constraint in the form :"); disp("7*X1+X2 = 14"); disp("When X1=0 : X2=14"); disp("When X2=0 : X1=2"); X1=0:2; X2=(14-7*X1); plot2d(X1,X2); disp("The Optimum solution will be in any one of the corners A, B and C"); disp("The objective function value at each of these corner points of the feasible solution space is computed as fllows by substituting its coordinates in the objective function.") ZA=2*0+3*14; ZB=2*(4/3)+3*(14/3); ZC=2*6+3*0; disp("ZA=6*0+8*0=0... ZB=6*10+8*0=60... ZC=6*8+8*2=64); disp("Since the type of the objective function is minimization, the solution corresponding to the minimum Z value should be selected as the optimum solution. The Z value is minimum for the corner point C. Hence, the corresponding solution is "); disp("X1 = 6 X2 = 0 and Z(Optimum) = 12");