//Example 4.25 close; clc; V=3; //in volts Rm=50; //In ohms Rh=10; //in ohms Im=10*10^-3; //in amperes Ih=0.5*Im; //Half scale definition Vm=Ih*Rm; //Voltage across the movement //Voltage across unknown resitence =Voltage across meter movement Ix=Vm/Rh; //Current through unknown resistence Ish=Ix-Im/2; //Current through shunt Rsh=Vm/Ish; //Shunt resistence printf('\nValue of Shunt resistence Rs = %.2f ohm\n',Rsh) //Calculation of R1 It=Ix+Im/2+Ish; //Total battery current V_drop=V-Vm; //Voltage drop across limiting resistor R1=V_drop/It; printf('Value of limiting resistence R1 = %.2f ohm\n',R1)