//Example 15.5 clc; fl=100; //in Hz fh=1000; //in Hz gain=4; C=0.01*10^-6; //Assumed //For a LPF R=invr(2*%pi*fh*C); printf('\nValue of Resistor R for a LPF = %.1f k ohm\n',R/1000) //For a HPF R=invr(2*%pi*fl*C); printf('\nValue of Resistor R for a HPF = %d k ohm\n',R/1000) fc=sqrt(fl*fh); Q=fc/(fh-fl); printf('\nValue of Q for the given filter = %.2f \n',Q) if Q<10 then printf('\nQ value is less 10, hence a Wide Band Filter\n') end