// Examle 16.8 po=30000; // o/p power v=200; // Voltage Il=po/v; // Load Current (Il) disp(' Load Current (Il) = '+string(Il)+' Amp'); Rsh=50; // Shunt field resistance R1 Ish=v/Rsh; // Shunt field Current Ia=Il+Ish; // Armature Current (Ia) Ra=0.05; // Shunt field resistance R2 Eg=v+(Ia*Ra); // Generated emf (Eg) disp('Generated emf (Eg) = '+string(Eg)+' Volt'); Cu=Ish^2*Rsh+Ia^2*Ra; // The copper Losses (Cu) disp('The copper Losses (Cu) = '+string(Cu)+' W'); e=po*100/(1000+po+Cu); // The Efficiency (e) disp('The Efficiency (e) = '+string (e)+' %'); // p 641 16.8