//Introductory Topics :example 1-7 : (pg no. 21 & 22) BW=200*10^3; k=(1.38*10^-23); T=(273+22);//converting degrees C into kelvin R=(10*10^3); R1=300; NF1=3; NF2=8; NR1=2; NR2=6.31; df=((%pi/2)*BW); Pn=(k*T*df); en=sqrt(4*Pn*R); x=(14+20+20);//sum of the power gain of the three stages y=(x/10); Pg=(10^y); Po=(Pn*Pg); eno=sqrt(Po*R1); pg1=(10^(1.4)); pg2=(10^(20)); NR=(NR1+((NR2-1)/pg1)+((NR2-1)/(pg1*pg2))); NF=10*log10(NR); No=(NR*Pn*Pg); a=sqrt(No*R1); //part(a) printf("\ndelta(f)= (pi/2)*BW = %.f Hz",df);//effective noise bandwidth printf("\nPn = k.T.delta(f) = %.17f W",Pn);// at the input printf("\nen=sqrt(4.k.T.delta(f).R) = %.8f V",en);//Voltage printf("\nTpg = 14dB+20dB+20dB = %.f dB",x);//total power gain in decibels printf("\n54dB = 10logPG \nPG = %.f",Pg);//total power gain printf("\nPn(out) = Pn(in).PG = %.12f W",Po);//assuming perfect noiseless amplifiers printf("\nen(out)= %.6f V",eno);//output driven by 300 Ohm load & P=V^2/R //part(b) printf("\nPG1=14dB = 25.1 \nPG2=PG3= 20dB =100 \nNF1= 3dB \nNR1=2 \nNF2=NF3=8dB \nNR2=NR3=6.31"); printf("\nNR=NR1+(NR2-1/PG1)+....+(NRn-1/PG1.PG2...PG(n-1))");//friiss's formula printf("\nNR = %.3f",NR);//noise ratio printf("\nNF = %.2f dB",NF);//noise figure //part(c) printf("\nNR = (Si/Ni)/(So/No) \nPG = %.1f*10^5",pg1); printf("\nNR = No/(Ni*PG) \nNo = %.12f W",No); printf("\nNo = (en^2)/R \nen= %.6f V",a);//outputnoise voltage