//Scilab Code for Example 7.15 of Signals and systems by //P.Ramakrishna Rao //Plotting the impulse and step responses clc; clear; syms s t R L; Y1=(1/s)-(1/(s+(R/L))); disp(Y1,'Laplace Transform Of differential Equation is:') y1=ilaplace(Y1,s,t); disp(y1,'The Step Response of the System is:'); //Taking R/L=1; for k=0:10; y1(k+1)=1-exp(-k); end k=0:10; plot(k,y1); title('System Response to Step input'); Y2=(1/(s+(R/L))); disp(Y2,'Laplace Transform Of differential Equation is:') y2=ilaplace(Y2,s,t); disp(y2,'The Impulse Response of the System is:'); for k=0:10; y2(k+1)=exp(-k); end figure(1); k=0:10; plot(k,y2); title('System Response to impulse input');