//Scilab Code for Example 5.11 of Signals and systems by //P.Ramakrishna Rao clear; clc; wc=1; y=1; for n=-%pi:%pi/80:%pi if n<-wc | n>wc then X(1,y)=1; y=y+1; else X(1,y)=0; y=y+1; end end n=-%pi:%pi/80:%pi; a = gca (); a.y_location ="origin"; a.x_location ="origin"; plot(n,X); xlabel ( 'Frequency in Radians/Seconds' ); title ('X(e^jw)) at Wc=1'); A=1/%pi; for k=-10:10 x(k+11)=A*integrate('cos(w*k)','w',wc,%pi); end figure(1); k=-10:10; a = gca (); a.y_location ="origin"; a.x_location ="origin"; plot2d3(k,x); xlabel ( 'Time in Seconds' ); title ('x(n) at Wc=1');