//Scilab Code for Example 3.16 of Signals and systems by //P.Ramakrishna Rao //A=%pi or 3.14 clear; clc; //Trignometric Fourier Coefficients for n=0:5 a(n+1)=integrate('t*cos(2*%pi*n*t)','t',0,1); end for n=0:5 b(n+1)=integrate('t*sin(2*%pi*n*t)','t',0,1); end disp(%pi*a(1),"an(a0)") disp("an(a1-->a5)") for n=1:5 disp(2*a(n+1)*%pi) end disp("bn(b1-->b5)") for n=1:5 disp(2*%pi*b(n+1)) end //CTFS coefficients of a periodic signal //x(t) =t t = 0:0.01:1; xt =2*%pi*t; // for k =0:6 C(k+1,:) = exp(-sqrt(-1)*2*%pi*t*k); c(k+1) = xt*C(k+1,:)'/length(t); if(abs(c(k+1))<=0.01) c(k+1)=0; end end c =c'; c_conj = real(c(:))-sqrt(-1)*imag(c(:)); ck = [c_conj($:-1:1)',c(2:$)]; k = 0:6; k = [-k($:-1:1),k(2:$)]; c = gca(); c.y_location = "origin"; c.x_location = "origin"; plot2d3('gnn',k,abs(ck)) poly1 = c.children(1).children(1); poly1.thickness = 3; title('|ck|') xlabel('k')