//Scilab Code for Example 2.37 of Signals and systems by //P.Ramakrishna Rao //Inverse Z Transform:ROC 1<|z|<2 clear; clc; z = %z; syms n z1; //To find out Inverse z transform z must be linear z = z1 X =(z*(z^2-z+1))/((z-0.5)*(z-2)*(z-1)) X1 = denom(X); zp = roots(X1); X1 = (z1*(z1^2-z1+1))/((z1-0.5)*(z1-2)*(z1-1)) F1 = X1*(z1^(n-1))*(z1-zp(1)) F2 = X1*(z1^(n-1))*(z1-zp(2)) F3 = X1*(z1^(n-1))*(z1-zp(3)) h1 = limit(F1,z1,zp(1)); disp(h1*'u(-n-1)','h1[n]=') h2 = limit(F2,z1,zp(2)); disp((h2)*'u(n)','h2[n]=') h3 = limit(F3,z1,zp(3)); disp((h3)*'u(n)','h3[n]=') disp((h3)*'u(n)'+(h2)*'u(n)'-(h1)*'u(-n-1)','h[n]=') ////Result // h[n]=1* 0.5 ^n *u(n) - 2*u(n) - 2* 2^n *u(- n - 1)