clc;funcprot(0);//EXAMPLE 10.10 // Initialisation of Variables Ma=10;.........//Mass of alloy to be produced in Kg %Ni=35;........//Percentage of Nickel in Cu-35% Ni Wn=3.5;.......//total nickel in the 35% alloy being produced %Cu=20;.......// Percentage of Copper in Cu-35% Ni //CALCULATIONS Mn=Ma*(%Ni/100);.....//The total mass of Ni needed in Kg X=((Wn*100)-(Ma*100))/-80;....//No.of Kg of Cu-35% Ni to melt with 1.875 kg of pure nickel to produce the required alloy disp(Mn,"The total mass of Ni needed in Kg:") disp(X,"Weight of Cu-20%Ni to be melted:")