clc //Chapter 5:High Frequency Amplifiers and Automatic Gain Control //example 5.3 page no 153 //given gm=2*10^-3//transconductance Cgs=5*10^-12//equivalent Miller's input capacitance Cgd=1*10^-12//equivalent Miller's output capacitance Cds=1*10^-12 rd=13*10^3 R=5*10^3//source resistance RL=(6*10^3*13*10^3)/(6*10^3+13*10^3)//total load resistance Av=-gm*RL//voltage gain R_L=RL*rd/(RL+rd) CT=Cgs+Cgd*(1+gm*R_L)//total capacitance Co=Cds+(Cgd*(1+gm*R_L)/(gm*R_L))//output capacitance w1=(R*CT)^-1//pole due to input circuit w2=(RL*Co)^-1//pole due to output circuit mprintf('the voltage gain is %f \n the total capacitance is %3.2e pF \n the output capacitance is %3.2e pF \n the pole due to input circuit is %3.2e rad/s \n the pole due to output circuit is %3.2e rad/s ',Av,CT,Co,w1,w2)