// Scilab Code Ex9.2: Page-9.24 (2004) clc;clear; Eg = 1.12; // Bandgap of silicon, eV me = 0.12*9.1e-031; // Effective Mass of the electron, kg e = 1.6e-19; // Electronic charge, C mh = 0.28*9.1e-031; // Effective Mass of the hole, kg k = 1.38e-23; // Boltzman constant, joule per kelvin T = 300; // temperature, K EF = (Eg/2)+3/4*k*T*(log(2.333))/e; // EF = E(Eg/2)+3/4*k*T*(log(2.333))/e; Formula printf("\nThe position of Fermi Level = %4.3f eV", EF); // Result // The position of Fermi Level = 0.576 eV