clc //Chapter8 //Example8.4, page no 316 //Given d=0.7// distance between two insertions Ld_m= (80e-3)*(10/7)//Loading coil inductance //disp(Ld_m) Rd_m=100/7//Loading coil resistance //disp(Rd_m) R=20+Rd_m//Line resistance L=Ld_m// Line inductance C=0.05e-6// Line Capacitance alfa=0.5*R*sqrt(C/L)//Attenuation Constant // fc=(%pi*d*sqrt(L*C))^-1//cut off freq mprintf('The atenuation constant is %f nepers/mile\nThe Cut-off Freq is %d KHz',alfa,fc*1e-3) // Note : There are some calculation errors in the solution presented in the book