clear ; clc ; close ; // CTS Signal A =1; // Amplitude Dt = 0.005; T1 = 2; //Time in seconds t = 0: Dt:T1 /2; for i = 1: length (t) xt(i) = A; end // Continuous time Fourier Transform Wmax= 2*%pi*1; // Analog Frequency = 1Hz K =4; k=0:(K/1000):K; W =k*Wmax/K; xt=xt'; XW =xt*exp(-sqrt(-1)*t'*W)*Dt; XW_Mag =real(XW); W =[-mtlb_fliplr(W), W(2:1001)]; // Omega from Wmax to Wmax XW_Mag =[mtlb_fliplr( XW_Mag ), XW_Mag(2:1001)]; // displaying the given function subplot(2 ,1 ,1); a =gca(); a.data_bounds =[ -4 ,0;4 ,2]; a.y_location ="origin"; plot(t,xt); xlabel('t in msec .'); title(' Contiuous Time Signal x(t) {Gate Function} ') // displaying the fourier Transform of the given function subplot(2 ,1 ,2); a=gca(); a.y_location ="origin"; plot(W, XW_Mag); xlabel('Frequency in Radians / Seconds '); title('Continuous time Fourier Transform X(jW)' ) mprintf('Hence Fourier transform of given Gate function is:\n A*delta*Sa[w*delta/2]/ exp(-j*w*delta/2)')